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We would like to bring to your attention that by virtue of the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 23/05/2014, every male who became Cypriot citizen by exception of investment has no obligation to attend the Cyprus Army, provided that he submits the necessary letter to the Minister of Defense requesting his exemption from…

17 и 20 января в Ханое и Хошимине, Вьетнам, Areti Charidemou & Socrates Ellinas of Areti Charidemou and Associates LLC провели семинар, посвященный налоговым, корпоративным и иммиграционным стимулам Кипра. В мероприятии приняли участие множество частных лиц и корпоративных представителей со всего Вьетнама, являющихся потенциальными иммигрантами, покупателями жилья за рубежом, потенциальными инвесторами и предпринимателями. Программа включала…

On January 17th and 20th in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Areti Charidemou & Socrates Ellinas of Areti Charidemou and Associates LLC held a workshop dedicated to Cyprus Tax, Corporate and Immigration incentives. The event was attended by many private individuals and corporate representatives from all over Vietnam, being prospective immigrants, international home buyers, potential…

Payments of pay as you earn tax (PAYE) Dear Clients, Payments of PAYE (“Pay as you earn” tax deduction on employees’ salaries) in the district offices of the Inland Revenue Department (Cyprus Tax Authority) will only be acceptable until the 28th of February 2018. As from the 1 March 2018, the Cyprus Tax Authority will…

Incentives or Tax deductions for investment in small and medium size innovative business The Cyprus Government aiming to give motive and to produce investments introduced a new framework with tax incentives for investments in small and medium sized innovative business. Under the new Article 9A of the Income Tax Law 2002 introduced by the Income…