Payment of PAYE relating to employees’ salaries for the previous month
Payment of Special Defence Contribution and General Healthcare
Contributions withheld on dividends or interest or rent paid of Cyprus tax
residents in the previous month
Payment of tax withheld on payments to non-Cyprus tax residents of the
previous month
Payment of Social Insurance and General Healthcare Contributions relating to
employees ‘remuneration of the previous month
Payment of PAYE relating to employees’ salaries for the previous month
Payment of Special Defence Contribution and General Healthcare
Contributions withheld on dividends or interest or rent paid of Cyprus tax
residents in the previous month
Payment of tax withheld on payments to non-Cyprus tax residents of the
previous month
Payment of Social Insurance and General Healthcare Contributions relating to
employees ‘remuneration of the previous month
Δ35 Θ18 – αναστολή εκτέλεσης πρωτόδικης απόφασης – άσκηση έφεσης – δικονομία – σύμφυτη εξουσία – θετική υποχρέωση – εξαιρετικές περιστάσεις – ανεπανόρθωτη βλάβη – επιβολή όρων – ισοζύγιο – συμφέροντα της δικαιοσύνης – κατάχρηση – διατάγματα GrepevLoam (restraintorders) – αναστολή εκτέλεσης NorwichPharmacal- ταχεία εκδίκαση της έφεσης …
Cyprus incorporated in its domestic legislation the provisions of the 5th Anti-Money Laundering EU Directive 2018/843 on the 23rd of February 2021. This was implemented by amending the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law 188(I)/2007, whereby it was resolved the creation of the register of ultimate beneficial owners of the Cyprus companies which shall be administrated by the Registrar of Companies and the register of beneficial owners of express trusts and similar legal arrangements (the “Trust Register”) which shall be administrated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (the “CySEC”).
Further to the above, on 18 June 2021, the CySEC published its directive/regulations “for the prevention and suppression of money laundering and terrorist financing in regards to the register of beneficial owners of express trusts and similar legal arrangements”, which came into immediate effect and provides details and guidance for the registration of express trusts and similar legal arrangements in the Trust Register.