17 и 20 января в Ханое и Хошимине, Вьетнам, Areti Charidemou & Socrates Ellinas of Areti Charidemou and Associates LLC провели семинар, посвященный налоговым, корпоративным и иммиграционным стимулам Кипра. В мероприятии приняли участие множество частных лиц и корпоративных представителей со всего Вьетнама, являющихся потенциальными иммигрантами, покупателями жилья за рубежом, потенциальными инвесторами и предпринимателями. Программа включала…
The revised European Union Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) has been transposed into Cyprus law, as published in the Official Gazette of Cyprus on 7 July 2017. The new law, which will apply in Cyprus from 3 January 2018, introduces significant changes to the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of…
The Double Tax Agreement between Cyprus and Luxembourg has been signed, the first between the two countries. It will enter into force once it is ratified by Cyprus and Luxemburg.
The Income Tax Law was amended in October 2016, in line with the “modified nexus” approach to the taxation of intellectual property assets. Transitional arrangements were put in place for intellectual property developed prior to 30 June 2016 with new arrangements being applied for intellectual property developed from 1 July 2016, which follow the modified…
Cyprus signed its first tax treaty with the Kingdom of Bahrain on 9 March 2015. Following the completion of the relevant ratification procedures, the Tax Treaty entered into force on 1st January 2017.
The Cyprus House of Representatives has approved legislation which provides the opportunity to pay overdue taxes in monthly instalments. The new law covers a broad range of taxes including: Value added tax; Immovable property tax; Income tax; Special defence contribution; Capital gains tax; Stamp duty; and Special contribution for employees The new law, which was passed…
The Republic of Cyprus introduced in February 2017 a pilot scheme for the ‘Cyprus Start-up Visa’. The scheme aims to promote start-ups with strong potential for growth, innovation and research, with a view of generating new jobs and enhancing the Cyprus economy. Non-EU nationals are eligible to apply for a Cyprus start up visa (either…